DAQling is an open-source lightweight C++ software framework, to be used as core for data acquisition systems of small and medium-sized experiments.
The framework offers a complete DAQ ecosystem, including communication layer with a selection of back-ends (including the widespread ZeroMQ messaging library), configuration management based on the JSON format, control of distributed applications based on Python, extendable operational monitoring with web-based visualization, and a set of generic utilities.
The framework provides automated host and build environment setup based on the Ansible automation tool. Finally, the end-user code is wrapped in so-called “Modules”, that can be loaded at configuration time, and implement specific roles according to the data flow of the experiment.
Project overview
DAQling can be cloned from
DAQling_top is the top-level skeleton project, which includes DAQling as a git submodule
. It should be forked to start a custom project. Setting up the "repository mirroring", will allow the forked project to keep the dist-master
branch up-to-date with DAQling_top.
It can be found at
Getting started
The framework is supported on Alma Linux 9. Host configuration and build instructions can be found in the DAQling
Instructions on how to run a demo or custom system are also present in the DAQling
DAQling-based experiments
A few small-medium experiments are using or evaluating DAQling for their DAQ system.
- FASER. Source code at faser-daq.
- LACTEL (evaluating).
- SHiP (evaluating).